
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer heat

It is sooooooooo hot, hovering near 100 degrees each day.

We are officially in drought status. The lake is getting scary ~ treetops are poking through the water. The lake is down 13 feet.

I did happen to snap a quick picture of a butterfly this morning on our fruit loop lantana bush.

I saw a wonderful job posted in this past Sunday's paper and spent over 5 hours, in one day searching for my resume. No luck :(
I know I've seen my resume since we moved in, but cannot find it anywhere. I do not rememer all of the classes I've taken since I finished school in Virginia Beach. Oh well.. I'll have to leave those off for now. I finally sat down and created a new one.
I'm ambivalent about applying for the job. What if I'm turned down?? but.. then again, what if they offer it to me? It has been 9 years since I officially got dressed and worked outside of home. I've become somewhat of a hermit. I've been selling on eBay, my website, Etsy along with typing reports for my sister for the past 8 years, which all can be done in pj's and no make-up. I'll need to buy clothes and get a "real" haircut.
The job looks great though! It is a 9 month position (off during the Summer) with awesome benefits. The drive will be appx. 20 miles. I'll keep you all posted. All applications and resumes have to be submitted by August 11th. My finger gets itchy every time I go to submit my resume... so I haven't yet.. but I will :)

Eastin has less than 2 weeks before school begins. She will then be in the 3rd grade and running to the mailbox each day after the mailman delivers, hoping to receive a letter from her teacher. She is hoping she gets a certain teacher.
Donna is living 2 doors over right now while her bathroom is totally gutted. She and Rod had already arranged for the bathroom renovation 6 months ago and I'm proud of her going through with their plans. It is terribly difficult for her being away from home. I love having her 2 doors over though and I really wish she lived closer.

1 comment:

janae said...

Good luck. You would be a wonderful asset to any company. I hope it won't make it so you can't sew anymore. You are just so talented.