I take Miller outside and brrrrrrrrrrrrr..... Fall is definitely in the air, atleast today it is and i LOVE it!
I have been working on a pink and white vintage chenille stroller blanket and got it listed tonight on eBay. It is so elegant, the chenilles are just tooooooo yummy! With the chill in the air, it got me motivated to finish this one blanket and get it listed on eBay.

On another note... Miller woke me up at 3:45 with a seizure. Looking back at my calendar and I had told Russ last night that he might have one today and yupp... he did. We'll be going to the vet soon with our seizure calendar to see what we need to do from here. Amazingly, I had read that if you apply an ice pack on the lower part of his spine, it will cut the seizure time down ~ and YES!! it sure does! After having one seizure, it is normal for him to have several others. I watched him closely and as soon as he started showing warning signs that one was getting ready to begin, I applied the ice pack and it stopped them! He is just the best boy and it really hurts to see him suffer from this monster. Otherwise ~ he is a happy, healthy pup :)
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