I've come to admire a rockin' photographer by the name of Jasmine Star that lives in Orange County Cali... She posted an off the wall question on facebook
"is happiness a choice"....
and I've been watching the responses since her post appeared on facebook.
So what do you think???
My answer..... Yes, I belive it is a choice, hands down!
Personally, my glass is half-full.. no matter if I'm having a "life is so damn unfair" day... I can have tears streaming down my face and blubbering that it isn't fair that I've lost all 4 of my grandparents, along with my father when I was 8, my mother 5 years ago and my brother last year.. but even during these snot-filled moments, I know I am so fortunate to have awesome memories! I make a conscious effort to look for the good in people, the good aspect of a bad situation, etc....
I've come across some people who think, act & bitch and moan that that their lives are the worst ever. That their lives have always been this way. "It is a fact of life that they have come to accept".. .uhhhhhhhhhhhh... what??? does that mean the future is destined to be sucky too??? heck no!! but heck yeah with that sucky attitude. These people have so much to be appreciative of... but they choose to focus on the bad... don't you just want to slap the stupid out of them??? LOL... (I guess that isn't a positive response on my part 'eh?)
But geeze, Louise,,,, get a grip.. this is your life - it is up to you how you live it!
Here are some copy and paste responses on facebook tonight:
Do you even remember what the question was again???
"Is happiness a choice??" Attitude + Gratitude = Happiness
Absolutely! A friend of mine once told me this quote "life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it"....I think it is so true and definitely supports that happiness is a choice!
"We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." Viktor Frankl.....Happiness is definitely a choice regardless of our circumstance!
Yes, I believe happiness is a choice. You choose to see the good in life. You choose to find value and worth in others, no matter how hard they may try to discourage you from searching. And You choose to recognize each moment as it comes, because another just it like will NEVER come again. Happiness, joy, love, faith, trust...all choices.
Oh Jasmine! I have a whole "step up on my soap box" speech on the subject. I think we are all predisposed to be UNHAPPY. We love to complain. About work. The weather. Family. That crazy driver. We can choose to be happy. Like you, in how you quit law school, I did the same thing with my job. I drove to work in tears. I had enough. I chose Happiness instead. I walked in and quit. (My husband was out of the country - I told him after I did it - and he supported me 100%). Sure, I'm not Suzy Sunshine every second of every day, but I am happy with my choices. No regrets. Live. Love. Laugh. And be Happy!
Yes! The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences & I don’t believe you can do this w/out being happy. Even on my worse day, I take a step back & realize that I’m so very blessed & have many things to be happy about & someone out there is worse off than me & I shouldn’t complain.
yes! it is a choice. so many people don't realize that you can simply have happiness if you choose it. i think this is what is wrong with the world. i think that unhappiness is a weakness. we all have the power within ourselves to control our own minds. most people just let their minds run away with itself & turn their lives into miserable messes.i highly recommend eckhart Tolle's books, "a new earth" and "the power of now". he taught me this tool.
It is a choice and more than that, I agree with Dennis Prager who states that "Happiness is a moral obligation. Happiness - or at least acting happy, or at the very least not inflicting one's unhappiness on other - is no less important in making the world better than any other human trait."
Yes it absolutley, 100%, without a question is a choice! I think circumstances can get you down but it up to you where you go from there.
happiness isn't a given....we can choose to let things get us down or rise above it. God gave us the gift of free will, so it's up to use to be happy no matter our circumstances. With all the negativity that's in the world, we need to just shout out loud everyday BRING IT! Just remember there's alot more good in this world than bad, if we focus only on the bad, we'll never see the good.
Happiness is definitely a choice...you can either choose to be miserable and negative or you can choose to have a positive attitude even in the hardest of times...I much rather be happy and positive!! :)
hmmmmmmmmmmmm..... so where are all of the negative people's responses??
I'm waiting for Jasmine's conclusion
I end this post with my favorite quote that my dear friend shared with me:
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye."
~Author unknown
to all of my friends & family....
I wish you enough
XOX - Kris