I'm not doing well managing my time. Either I sew, or I cook, or I clean but for some reason I cannot do all three. During the time I was preparing for the holiday fair, my brother from DC stopped by and he told me what a mess my house was.... I was like .... "you think"???? It was obvious. Now it is snowing two hours away in the NC Mountains and we still haven't gotten our fall leaves off of the lawn..
And... eeeeeeks.. Thanksgiving is 3, yes threeeeeeeeeeee, days from today! It is true, the older you get ~ the faster time goes. Then again, it feels like it stands still at other times.
Yesterday was the 5th month anniversary of Rod's death. I was doing okay until I went to Donna's house to visit and I needed to borrow Rod's truck while our 2nd vehicle is in the shop. Talk about a HUGE rush of emotions driving HIS truck. The one he took HIS last breath in. The one that he drove over 100,000 miles... The one that still has HIS things in it. And.. you would know I cut on the radio and it was on a country station and the song "fit"...
Thanksgiving is going to be so hard without Rod ~ we'll get through it with lots of tears but with also a huge amount of great memories of Thanksgivings we shared in the past...
On a slightly different subject.... Donna and I went through Rod's t-shirts and I found a person on Etsy, by the name of Patty Evans ~ here is a link to her shop: http://www.patty33oh.etsy.com/ that makes "memory quilts" from t-shirts. Donna got the finished quilt this week ~ it is absolutely stunning!! Nothing like any other t-shirt quilt I've seen before.
I'm posting pictures of the quilt and also Patty's business card and email address. I would recommend her to anyone!! Her communication was fantastic and you can tell she loves making these quilts and her priority is to make it exactly like you want it. I told her I wanted blue fabric that looks like water (since Rod & Donna spent so much time at the lake)..
please click on the photos to see them larger....

Thank you for taking time to visit my blog.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I'll be posting pictures from our annual Thanksgiving Oyster Roast soon....